Hold the Mother

Finding the right Doula for you and inviting them into your space in the intimate, raw moments is so special. It is important to find connection, comfort and feel grounded by the care that they are dedicating to you and your family.

A Postpartum Doula is a newborn mamas nurturer, with focus on supporting and nourishing you in the early days and months after birth.

Each Doula works differently, working within their scope and interests to deliver a custom service just for you. Helping around the home, connecting you to support services, identifying potential issues and moving through them together, and protect your space. Whatever you need, so that you can prioritise rest. We listen; deeply and offer gentle guidance and encouragement to trust your intuition.

The word Doula comes from the Greek word doulē, the meaning of which translates to ‘serve women’.

A Doula holds the mother.

Meet Molly Knowles

I am a Taurus, a lover and loyal friend - someone who will be there, stick around and do my very best to support you.

I have a Bachelor in Public Health and Health Promotion and have worked in supportive care for over 10 years. A career that has provided me with many learnings in the realm of empathy, understanding and opportunity to feel heard. I am passionate about women centred care and women’s health. I have worked with IBCLC and GP Dr Nicole Gale for over a year in supporting women and their babies.

Outside of work, I am a mother of two gorgeous little babes Jude and Remi, and live in the leafy suburb of Greensborough. I love my morning and evening walks, and my skin care routine. I love food, and the way it fuels the body, but also brings joy and connection. My house is messy, I never get to finish a hot tea and I am riding the wave of early parenthood with you. I am from a big family and I am surrounded by the most beautiful village of family and friends, and this is what I want to share within my practice. Community is so important to me, and I am keen to be part of yours

Find out more about me, my why and read many of my resources and ramblings in my Journal.

Meet Tori Polson

My journey in this work began after the birth of my first daughter in 2016. Motherhood shifted my priorities and perspectives, much like it does for many. Now, I’m a mother of two beautiful daughters, both of whom inspire my love for supporting families and my own personal journey. 

 I want to ensure every mother's voice is heard, her worth celebrated, and her journey honoured. As a Postpartum Doula, I love exploring the depth of what it means to nurture new life for both the baby and the mother.

My experience as a certified Seasons of Matrescence® Educator and Guide provides me with insight into the psychological shift that occurs when becoming a mother. I am also a qualified Aware Parenting Instructor, an approach that resonates with the core of my philosophy on raising children – nurturing through love, understanding and empathy.

 My five favourite things are: my morning coffee; going for early morning walks; slow days at home staying in our pjs; a cheeky glass of wine with friends with lots of talking and laughing; getting my stretch on during a yin yoga class.

Tori will be working alongside Molly, as a Postpartum Doula - you can book a connection call with Tori.